SWT Group Office

SWT Group‘s entire operating philosophy and entrepreneurial spirit are driven by three key concepts that focus on creating outstanding customer experiences:


We build enduring relationships by positioning ourselves as an extension of our clients’ operating units and by focusing every necessary resource on the advancement of their goals.


We welcome and leverage input and expertise from everyone at SWT Group and throughout our supply chain because the resulting synergies make us all stronger.

Execute to win.

We tackle every project with an expectation of success – for our customers and for ourselves. The expectation of a shared “win” drives every successful undertaking.

SWT Timeline

Product Data Sheet available upon request

Please email us at info@swtgroup.com or call 519-967-0020. 

Safety Data Sheet available upon request

Please email us at info@swtgroup.com or call 519-967-0020. 

Nurse Mural

Front Line Health Care Workers Mural

On the back wall of SWT’s building is a commissioned painting by artist Daniel Bombardier. The mural, which overlooks a parking area used by a nearby hospital’s staff, was commissioned as a thank you to all the Front Line Health Care workers for their ongoing efforts in ensuring the best of care for their community.

Quality Policy

ISO 9001

January 1, 2024

SWT Group is committed to providing quality products and services to our customers by establishing, implementing, and monitoring quality objectives, procedures and policies in compliance with the quality standards of ISO 9001:2015.

The Leadership Team is responsible for providing strategic direction for the SWT Group of Companies and strives to continuously improve our business. We request input from all SWT Group stakeholders on how we can improve our Quality Management System, enabling us to meet or exceed customer expectations.

Quality Objectives are established based on customer needs and expectations. Those objectives are communicated to all employees, who are encouraged to provide honest feedback and accept ownership of the objectives as they relate to their job function.

SWT Group is committed to providing the appropriate resources to allow the company to grow and prosper by encouraging training for our employees to remain skilled in their respective job functions and to ensure customer satisfaction.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) representing a diverse cross section of our business are established and analyzed on a weekly basis. These include people, sales, supply, and financials.

Asphalt Institute